How Much Can You Lift?

  “My upper body is so weak compared to my lower body.” It’s a comment we hear from new clients all of the time, particularly women. While it’s true that women tend to excel more with lower body exercises, your upper body isn’t designed to be as strong as your legs...

Arkitect vs. Planet Fitness

  When it comes to selecting a way of getting in shape, you have a lot of options. Fitness is a growing trend in America and across the world, and there are more fitness “solutions” than ever before. As a small “specialty” or “boutique” gym we are often compared...

Lessons From Champions: Russians Don’t Miss Squats

  It was a very warm day in late June as I sat and waited for the team from Klokov equipment to arrive in our uncharacteristically quiet gym. This had only been the 2nd time since the gym opened in January of 2015 that we had completely shut down the facility to...

You Don’t Train Like an Athlete

  What comes to mind when you hear the word athlete? Probably a lean, muscular, powerful looking body, defined muscles, and the ability to do things like jump to insane heights, or run for long distances. What do you think of when you think of training like an...

Lifting Straps 101

  Although Weightlifting and Powerlifting are a very small part of what we do at Arkitect Fitness, our team sport and general fitness clients always notice the special gear our strength athletes use, and often inquire about if it’s something they should invest...

Is Bad Form Really All That Bad?

  The fitness industry is famous for its conflicting information and underqualified “internet experts,” and few topics within the community are as hotly debated as proper exercise form. “Form is important” a common idiom in the fitness world, but what is “good...