Staying Active at Home –

Staying Active at Home –

April 13, 2020



Right now the world is doing its best to adjust to a new “normal.” One of the biggest challenges for many people is trying to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle, as most if not all gyms are currently closed. If you’re an at home DVD workout type anyway, your fitness routine hasn’t changed much, however for a lot of us, we can’t exercise the way we’d like to right now.

Fortunately the fitness community as a whole has answered the call and provided a lot of great resources for making the transition to exercising at home. We recently have been featured by who compiled a list of great suggestions from fitness pros all over the country on how to make the most of your at home exercise routine.

You can check out the article at

What do you think? Have you been struggling to get into your fitness groove? Check out some of the tips in the article above to make the most of your time away from the gym. We can’t stress enough how important it is to do something rather than nothing right now. You may not be able to follow your normal regimen, but that doesn’t mean you can’t keep working towards your goals!


Dr. Brett Scott


Arkitect Fitness

“We Help Athletes And Active Adults
Lose Weight, Get Fit, And Optimize Performance.”