Monday motivation is here again. Let’s start off with deadlifts!
Eric hit an all time personal best with this 213kg(469lb) pull.
Erin made a big improvement over her last all time best with this 102kg(222lb) deadlift!
Katie’s parade of PRs on the deadlift continues to amaze, with this 115kg lift for a set of 12! At this point she’s probably pound for pound the best deadlifter in our gym!
Steph was also in on the deadlift party hitting this PR set of 3 with 98kg(216lbs). She also hit a PR clean & jerk of 65kg(143lbs). This is 7kg above her body weight!
This week some of our clients were also working on weighted chin-ups. Here’s Eric with 38kg, and Whitney with 5kgx3 respectively
Ally aka “Baby Spice” had a good week last week hitting two PRs: a BTN jerk of 83kg, and a clean of 85kg respectively.
And last but not least, the newest edition to our Weightlifting team, Chris aka “Chilly McFreeze” with a PR trip from the hang on cleans at 92kg(202lbs!). His technique is cleaning up nicely and we can’t wait to see what kind of numbers he’s going to put up in the future.