AF News: July 2020!

AF News: July 2020!

July 1, 2020



Well we’ve somehow all managed to make it to July 2020! Things are back in near-full swing at the gym, and it’s been really great seeing all of our awesome members again! We’ve got a lot of things to up date you on for July. Check it out!

Expanded Coaching Hours!

As promised, we’ve continually increased our coaching hours over the years, and we’ve just made another big update. Coaching hours are now as follows:

Monday: 6-1/3-8

Tuesday: 6-12/3-8

Wednesday: 6-1/3-8

Thursday: 6-12/3-8

Friday: 6-1/3-6

Saturday: 9-12

That’s right, we are opening at 6 am EVERY week day and 8p.m M-Th. So whether you’re an early bird or a night owl, we’ve got you covered. Speaking of schedules:

4th of July Weekend Coaching Hours

We will have no coaching on Friday July 3rd or Saturday July 4th in observance of the 4th of July. We will return to normal coaching hours on Monday the 6th!

The Return of Summer Hikes! Weekend of July 11/12

We were planning on getting together for a hike last month, but then we were informed that gyms could reopen, so we had to scrap the hike in order to get the gym ready for all of you amazing people!

We’re now targeting our first hike of the season for the weekend of July 11th and 12th, but we would like to know if you would prefer Saturday or Sunday for our first one! We’ll be heading to Northwood Meadows State Park in Northwood. The hike will take about 2 to 2.5 hours and is a very easy hike, good for those who aren’t experienced hikers.

Let us know what day works best for you!

Massage is Coming Back!

We will be bringing back in house massage after July 8th. Be on the look out for an announcement highlighting the details and restrictions.

July Monthly Challenge!

This month’s challenge is a BROAD JUMP. This challenge was handpicked by coach Anna! Here are the rules:

  • You must do the challenge with a coach present
  • You get three tries per day
  • You can try as many times as you’d like throughout the month
  • You have to land on your feet. If you fall, if both feet move from the landing spot, or you have to put a hand down, the jump will not count
  • No running starts.
  • Distance is measured from the start point to the heel of the back foot.

What you get for participating: A chance to win free 30 minute massage (or 50% off an hour)! Winner will be determined by random drawing.

What you get if you jump the furthest: The sweetest prize of all, bragging rights!

That’s it for right now. See everyone soon!


Dr. Brett Scott


Arkitect Fitness

“We Help Athletes And Active Adults
Lose Weight, Get Fit, And Optimize Performance.”