Staying Active at Home –

  Right now the world is doing its best to adjust to a new “normal.” One of the biggest challenges for many people is trying to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle, as most if not all gyms are currently closed. If you’re an at home DVD workout type anyway,...

Is Sugar More Addictive Than Cocaine? | Fitness Myth Monday

  Sugar. The White Devil. You’ve probably heard a lot recently about how bad sugar is for you. It’s the one true culprit behind America’s obesity epidemic. It’s being secretly hidden in all of your food, because big pharma wants you to be sick, unhealthy, and...

Fear & Gratitude | Mindset Monday

  Have you ever seen the dozens of large sprawling banners for a single product or brand at a sporting event? It’s common in football, baseball, racing, etc… It will be a single logo displayed over and over and over again in a row. Have you ever wondered why...

How to Stay Healthy Amidst The COVID-19 Pandemic and Quarantine

  DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor nor an infectious disease specialist. During a pandemic like the one we are experiencing right now, it is important to get all official guidelines directly pertaining to the pandemic from legitimate sources like the Center for...

Why You Should Take My Advice

  The internet is an endless sea of information. While it can be a fantastic resource, many people lack the proper tools to discern the good from the bad. Even those who have managed to maintain a lean physique, and “healthy lifestyle” may not fully understand...

MyFitnessPal Vs. Avatar: Which one is better?

  Right now tracking your “macros” is all of the rage, and for good reason: It works. It’s never been easier to find out roughly how much you should be eating, as well as how much you actually are eating. With smart phones and the internet, it’s easier than ever...